Here is my revelation today:
I am so weak so often.
I cave in the face of temptation. I don’t want to. But I do. That means I am still so weak.
So spiritually weak.
But i can get stronger.
I work at it daily with tools like this conversation I am having with You Jesus.
But there is a tool, a a weapon that makes me stronger spiritually that i must start using more often.
and that is PRAYER.
But Praying in the form of WORSHIPING.
Cause worship is my natural state. It is the natural state of my soul. Cause it calls out to the creator of the universe. It calls out to my creator.
Worship is the most humble and pride free and ego free way to exist. That is why it took me so long to realize this. That is why so many men never get here.
Praying and worshiping my Father, my lord, my savior is when my soul feels the release it so desperately needs.
But it has to be voluntary. that is how it works.
And real
Cause worship cannot be fake. I cannot pretend to worship.
It comes form my soul. My spirit. It is my spirit connecting to Gods spirit.
And so I will pray more. I will worship more.
Cause you are Father all i ever wanted. all i ever needed. And my soul is thirsty for You.
SO, teach me to be more humble,
To have less judgement in my life.
Help me today to remove judgement from any of my words. Any of my actions. Any of my thoughts.